Seminar dan Kuliah Intensif Oleh Prof. Dr. Richard B. Gaffin., Th.D.
Silakan simak berita gembira di bawah ini:
HARI/TANGGAL | : | Minggu, 16 November 2008 |
WAKTU | : | Pukul 17.00 -- 21.00 WIB |
TEMPAT | : | Lobby Aula John Calvin |
| | Reformed Millenium Center |
| | Jl. Industri Blok B14 No.1 Kemayoran, Jakarta |
TEMA | : | "The Holy Spirit and The Christian Life" |
| | (dalam Bahasa Inggris, dengan terjemahan) |
PEMBICARA | : | Prof. Dr. Richard B. Gaffin., Th.D. |
BIAYA PENDAFTARAN | : | Rp. 100.000,- (Mahasiswa) |
| | Rp. 200.000,- (Umum) |
CONTAC PERSON | : | Eva/Esther (021-6513815) |
HARI/TANGGAL | : | Senin s/d Jumat, 17 s/d 21 November 2008 |
WAKTU | : | Pukul 08.00 -- 14.00 WIB |
TEMPAT | : | Kapel Agape |
| | Reformed Millenium Center |
| | Jl. Industri Blok B14 No.1 Kemayoran, Jakarta |
TEMA | : | "New Testament Redemptive History" |
PEMBICARA | : | Prof. Dr. Richard B. Gaffin., Th.D. |
BIAYA PENDAFTARAN | : | Rp. 500.000,- (Mahasiswa) |
| | Rp. 1.000.000,- (Umum) |
CONTAC PERSON | : | Eva/Esther (021-6513815) |
- B.A., Calvin College.
- B.D., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
- Th.M., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Graduate studies, Georg-August Univesität, Göttingen.
- Doctor of Theology (Th.D), Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
- Ordained Minister, Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
- Charles Krahe Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
- Emeritus Charles Krahe Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
Menulis beberapa buku antara lain:
- The Centrality of Resurrection.
- Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology.
- Perspective on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Calvin and the Sabbath.
- By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation.
Sejak 2008, namanya diabadikan sebagai: "The Richard B. Gaffin Lecture Series: An Annual Lecture on Theology, Culture, and Missions"
(The first of these lectures was presented by Prof. Dr. Bruce Waltke, Ph.D., March 5th, 2008 at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia).